TourGuide Icon TourGuide JS


Definitions for TourGuide JS.



TourGuide JS works by initializing a class, it contains all the relevant events, methods & properties.

{ // Primary elements
backdrop : HTMLElement // The backdrop & element highlighter element
dialog : HTMLElement // The main tour guide dialog
// Attributes group: string = "" // The internal binding value for the active tour group
isVisible: boolean = false // If the tour guide is visible/active
activeStep: number = 0 //// The internal binding value for the active tour step (index from 0)
tourSteps: TourGuideStepType[] = [] // The internal binding value for the tours steps
options: TourGuideOptionsType = defaultOptions// The internal binding value for tour options
isFinished = getIsFinished // A getter for if the tour group is completed (fetches from a record in localStorage)
// Methods start: (group?: string) => Promise<unknown> // start method handler
visitStep: (stepIndex: "next" | "prev" | number) => Promise<unknown> // visitStep method handler
nextStep: () => Promise<unknown> // nextStep method handler
prevStep: () => Promise<unknown> // prevStep method handler
addSteps: (newSteps : TourGuideStep) => Promise<unknown> // addSteps method handler
exit: () => Promise<void> // exit method handler
refresh: () => Promise<unknown> // refresh method handler
refreshDialog: () => Promise<unknown> // refreshDialog method handler
finishTour: (exit : boolean, tourGroup : string) => Promise<unknown> // finishTour method handler
updatePositions: () => Promise<unknown> // updatePositions method handler
setOptions: (options : TourGuideOptions) => Promise<unknown> // setOptions method handler
// Listeners 💡 Only call or modify these for advanced usage initListeners: () => Promise<unknown> // Initialise event listeners for click events, keyboard controls etc.
destroyListeners: () => Promise<unknown> // Destroy event listeners for click events, keyboard controls etc.
// Callbacks _globalFinishCallback! : ()=>(void | Promise<unknown>) // start method handler
_globalBeforeExitCallback! : ()=>(void | Promise<unknown>) // start method handler
_globalAfterExitCallback! : Function // start method handler _globalBeforeChangeCallback! : ()=>(void | Promise<unknown>) // start method handler
_globalAfterChangeCallback! : ()=>(void | Promise<unknown>) // start method handler


{ title?: string // Tour step title
content!: string | HTMLElement | Element // Tour step content
target?: HTMLElement | Element | HTMLInputElement | string | null = null // Element to highlight
fixed?: boolean = false // Is target element fixed position | default = false
order?: number = 999 // Order of step in the tour | default = 999
group?: string = "tour" // Group specific tour steps together | default = 'tour'
// Enter events beforeEnter?: (currentStep: TourGuideStep, nextStep: TourGuideStep)=>(void | Promise<unknown>)
afterEnter?: (currentStep: TourGuideStep, nextStep: TourGuideStep)=>(void | Promise<unknown>)
// Leave events beforeLeave?: (currentStep: TourGuideStep, nextStep: TourGuideStep)=>(void | Promise<unknown>)
afterLeave?: (currentStep: TourGuideStep, nextStep: TourGuideStep)=>(void | Promise<unknown>)


{ autoScroll: boolean// auto scroll to elements | default = true
autoScrollSmooth: boolean // auto scroll smooth | default = true
autoScrollOffset: number // Offset from edge for smooth scroll | default = 20
backdropClass: string // additional css class for tour backdrop | default = ""
backdropColor: string // RGBA support only | default = "rgba(20,20,21,0.84)"
targetPadding: number // space around highlighted target in px | default = 30
backdropAnimate: boolean // animate backdrop position & size | default = true
dialogClass: string // additional css class for tour dialog | default = ""
dialogZ: number // z-index of dialog | default = 999
dialogWidth: number // width style property for dialog - recommended if loading images into content | default = 0
dialogMaxWidth: number // max-width style property for dialog | default = 340
dialogAnimate: boolean // Animate dialog position & size | default = true
closeButton: boolean // show close button | default = true
nextLabel: string // text for next button | default = "Next"
prevLabel: string // text for prev button | default = "Back"
finishLabel: string // text for finish button | default = "Finish"
hidePrev: boolean // hide prev button | default = false
hideNext: boolean // hide next button | default = false
completeOnFinish: boolean // Set tour as finished in localStorage on finish | default = true
showStepDots: boolean // show the dots tour progress | default = true
stepDotsPlacement: 'f// show dots in dialog body/footer | default ooter' | 'body' = "footer"
showButtons: boolean // show next/prev buttons | default = true
showStepProgress: boolean // show `1/5` human-readable step progress | default = true
keyboardControls: boolean // show next & prev arrows keys + esc key | default =false
exitOnEscape: boolean // Close the tour on escape key | default = true
exitOnClickOutside: boolean // Close the tour on backdrop click | default = true
rememberStep: boolean // open tour on last active step | default = true
debug: boolean // show console logging | default = false
steps: TourGuideStep[]// pre-define the tour steps

